The Year the Art Scene Rebounded, Expanded, and Surrendered to N.F.T.s

Andrea K. Scott, The New Yorker, December 23, 2021

 "The emphasis was on the vitality of current artist-run spaces in Brooklyn and Queens, where studio rent is affordable, at least compared to Manhattan... Most of the pieces on view had been recently made, by artists whose work I already know and admire (including Polly Apfelbaum, Charles Atlas, and Leilah Babirye). One striking exception was a 1996 bronze by Helen Evans Ramsaran, a septuagenarian sculptor, represented by the Welancora Gallery in Bedford-Stuyvesant, who is ripe for rediscovery. (This does not excuse the art world’s bad habit of ignoring women until they’re in their eighth decade.)"

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